31 Juli 2011

Rural City

Für das MS Dockville Musik-Festival in Hamburg hat EVOL eine unterirdische Miniatur-Stadt errichtet.

EVOL's work typically transforms urban spaces into miniature cities by pasting spraypainted stenciled images of walls and windows over planters, power boxes, and other structures. about the current installation, among his first in a rural setting, he reflects: 'as I came [to the site] first, that's what I found: endless meadow, trees and blue sky. not exactly what I play with usually. so I decided to cut open the idyll, and pretend there is no endless meadow, but only rooftop-gardens of the disgust underneath.' Designboom

Mehr findet ihr auf EVOLs Unurth Street Art Page...

SUPER: EVOL-Buildings Dresden / Mentalgassi @ Getxo Photo, Spain